Thursday, September 18, 2014

Full Radio Interview

Bob Brill

Here is the full radio interview with Dr. Carole Lieberman picture below. We hope you get some insights to "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair," with this leading Psychiatrist. Just click on the words "Radio Interview" in the first sentence and you an listen in. Thank you.

(Dr. Carole Lieberman)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A new radio interview

By Bob Brill
Author, Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair

I was a guest on the Dr. Carole Lieberman Radio Show today and will post the link very shortly. The hour long interview was centered around the Lancer book series with the title "Westerns; A lost art." It was a very pleasant experience sitting on Dr. Carole's Couch.

We discussed the comings and goings and the history of the western novel and how Lancer Hero of the West, fits in today. From books to film to television, we covered it all. Of particular interest to Dr. Lieberman, a well known psychiatrist, was the bond which existed years ago between father and son. A bond which she doesn't see existing today for any number of reasons.
(Dr. Carole Lieberman, Host)

She asked me about the bond between my father and myself, since the book is dedicated to my dad, who brought about my love of westerns. It was an interesting and very intriguing look at such bonds. We also discussed myriad films, good and bad, from Clint Eastwood to Mel Brooks to some of the latest bad westerns of the past two years.

It was great to hear how she said "I read it in one sitting, I could not put it down." This is something every author wants to hear and every publisher relishes. It is a common response from those who have read Lancer, and a response which I can only hope spreads as the book gets more attention. I want to carry that forward with the rest of the books in the series. I am hard at work writing, "The Los Angeles Affair" at the moment.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Prescott TV Interview

The Prescott TV interview with Sandy Moss of AZTV 7, "The Morning Scramble." Hope you enjoy this interview which took place the day of our Prescott book signing.