Did you ever want to write a book? Most people have the desire but never get around to doing it.
Did you ever think to yourself when you read a book "Gee, I think this should have taken another turn?" Of course you have.
Well, how would you like to do that? I begin writing the fifth installment of the Lancer; Hero of the West series of western novels, in January. "The New Orleans Affair" is next on the list of Lancer adventures. I would like your help in writing the story. Seriously.
Here is how it will work.
1. Take your ideas for the next Lancer book and email them to me at brillpro@gmail.com.
2. Make sure you make it short (a paragraph or two) and tell me if you have read any of the Lancer; Hero of the West books and which ones.
3. Put your full name, email city and state in the email.
4. If you like you can write "Bob Brill has my permission to use these ideas in his Lancer books without compensation." (Actually you don't need to do that because by responding to the offer you are already giving me such permission).
Please understand you will NOT be paid or compensated in any way for the use of your idea. You WILL receive written "contributors credit" in the book. The name you give me in the email will be the name I use and I will also put your state and hometown, unless you request I not put that in.
You should know, and you do if you have read the Lancer books, there are certain characteristics about the character which are constant, and will not be changed. Lancer is who he is, and he will remain so. However, there are always changes and growth which take place in a book series. You can contribute to this growth if you like.
If you haven't read any of the Lancer; Hero of the West novels we suggest you read at least one. You can find them on Amazon, order from you local bookstore, or you can purchase a paperback copy from my website; www.bobbrillbooks.com.
We hope you like the offer and want to contribute. We have contributions so far and are taking stock of those over the next few months as we plan out the next novel. We look forward to hearing from you.