Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Western Movie Shorts YouTube

It's been some time since I've written a blog but something came up which tickled my fancy actually. There is a group of kids, brothers and friends (Jacob Rhoda) the chief among them. They are making and producing western movie shorts for YouTube and producing some very nice stuff. Stuff Lancer; Hero of the West would be proud of.

I watched one of them called the Barn Fight, which is about five minutes long and very well done. You an watch it here. If you forgive the fact people get shot and there is no blood and the guns shots are interestingly added and sometimes a bit off, these are very entertaining and should be applauded.


It's nice to see a teenager, or a group of teens interested in westerns. There may be a return to yesteryear as the Lone Ranger would say, at some point. That means good things for western writers like me. As an added note; I did not do a cyber anything for the holidays but books are available and if you want to give a really good and inexpensive gift to someone, purchase a copy of one of my books at Amazon or go to www.bobbrillbooks.com.

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