Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lancer is coming soon!

by Bob Brill

My father was a huge fan of Zane Grey and when he was a kid, or so he told me, he read everything the great western author wrote. When a new western movie or a John Wayne flick of any kind came out, I knew dad would haul me to the local movie theater. I grew to love the genre. I always thought about writing a western novel but figured it was a daunting task. Instead I chose to write other novels and screenplays.

Now that I've completed 10 screenplays, two novels and one non-fiction book I finally decided to tackle the western. After much thought, research and looking inside myself as to what I really wanted to do, "Lancer; Hero of the West" was born.

The first book in the series still has a working sub-title so I'll hold off on revealing it to you at this point. I will share with you some of the details of the Lancer character but not many. I really do hope you want to read it and will purchase it either via download Kindle or from an Amazon bookseller or from me via 

The books will average about 100 pages without illustrations. In fact, there really isn't a description of Lancer in the pages you will read. I've always chosen to not detail my characters too much. I prefer to allow the reader to build the character's looks themselves. I will build the character, you see him as you want to see him through your own eyes.

The Lancer books take place in the 1880's and tomorrow I will give you more details about the character and his traits. I will post here almost daily to give you an inkling about the book, the character and the progress. You can follow via this blog; Lancer Hero of the West.

The first book is finished and we are in the process of building the cover. I've already outlined the second book and the last page of the first book will tell you where the Lancer character will take his next job. I will probably release the first book within two weeks. Stay tuned for more and you can find my other books at

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