It is really great when someone reviews your book and I am no different than any other author when it comes to being excited by good reviews. Bad reviews we take with a grain of salt, hopefully, because if we don't it will eat us up. However, a good review from a reader (which is even better than a professional critic) is always exciting.
I received one this week from an avid reader and a fan which I had to share. I will leave his name off as not to embarrass him but I did want to share his thoughts after he read "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair."
the first sentence in Chapter One to the last sentence in Chapter
Seventeen, it was impossible to put the damn thing down. It is rare that
I ever have the time to read a book cover to cover in one sitting. Tombstone,
Wyatt, Doc, Prescott and all the other realistic names and places were
riveting. Like an old time radio drama one line led to the next and there
was no stopping."
I will only say "THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!"
Several people have commented how much they like the idea I mixed my fictional character with real life characters of the day; especially legendary characters such as Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. I personally think using characters in this way gives the reader something to hang onto and also breeds a bit of familiarity. When you hear the words Wyatt Earp, it automatically conjures up a picture in your mind and therefore makes it easier to realize the character of Lancer who the reader has never thought of until now.
I am happy for the response.
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