Sunday, February 28, 2016

2016 Best Oscar Show Yet

As a reporter for UPI Radio Network I covered backstage and out front, nine Academy Awards Shows. I have watched dozens more over the years as it is one show I rarely miss. I have to say the 2016 show, with all it's backlash and controversy was THE Best I've ever seen.

Chris Rock nailed it. His monologue was balanced, right on and sound. It was also funny despite a missed opportunity. He failed only once or twice on the night and his epic Girl Scout Cookie sales push beat Ellen DeGeneres Pizza debacle by a long shot. He was sound.

The best sketch of the night though was not Whoopi Goldberg. The best sketch was the poignant and very funny "Black History Month Minute." Taking a solid shot at Will and Jada Pinkett Smith was heroic and more than that it was extremely funny. Wow.

Vice President Joe Biden was another highlight and it was great to see him get a standing ovation. When Lou Gossett Jr., stood up and was the first to acknowledge him, I felt it was heart felt. I sat with Lou a couple years ago at a fund raising dinner and found him a very sincere man. This is why I know he was being just that; sincere. Biden is a very likable man and it showed. His points were clear and sound and fell on waiting ears.

I was pretty much right on with my predictions although no one could see Sylvester Stallone losing out to Mark Rylance for Best Supporting Actor. Most thought the sentimental favorite Stallone for "Creed" was a shoe-in. Many were disappointed. I didn't see the film so I can't say yea or nay. I do know that of the other films I did see I liked Rylance the best despite not liking "Bridge of Spies" all that much. Rylance did deserve the honor but then again so did Stallone from what I hear.

Otherwise I did pick all the winners although my heart wanted some of the others. Leo D., certainly was deserving of the honor and made a very strong point in his acceptance speech. The fact they had to go to the farthest tip south to find the right snow for the film proved his point about climate change. It fell on a friendly crowd as did much of what was said during the night.

So all in all it was a great show and to my mind the best I've ever seen. It goes once again to prove, especially with the Best Picture Award; Film Matters.

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