Saturday, February 13, 2016

Malibu Book Signing Success

The Malibu booking signing went well and despite a lower than expected turnout we can call it a success. For the first time we had many questions about the character and the books and the time period. Quality questions including everything from how I determined the lay of the land, to the introduction of  a female reporter in "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Los Angeles Affair."

While I'm not sure everyone liked the Turkish Delight we shared on the day before Valentine's Day at the Bank of Books, everyone tried it. If you missed the signing the book store will be open into April and Pam, the manager, kept a number of my books on hand for sale. She sold some before the signing which was nice.

There was also a really neat article in the Malibu Surfside News and a nice photo and announcement in the Malibu Times.  A big Thank you to good friends Suzie (pictured), Joe Cala and Dave Rodriguez for taking the time out of their own busy skeds to drop on by and be a part of it. Ilana, a young girl who happened to be in the neighborhood and is a songwriter asked some very good questions about the character and the times. Her introduction to Lancer was the purchase of a new book.

Others did as well. It was a good time. We're sorry the store is closing in April, though.

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