Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Transition to Lancer: Book Two

By Bob Brill
"Lancer: Hero of the West; The Prescott Affair"

Readers are really loving the first book in the Lancer; Hero of the West series, which is exciting to this author. Since I'm hard at work writing the second in the series; The Los Angeles Affair it is interesting to note the research going into it.

Having grown up in Los Angeles is a real bonus. I spent some memorable times in Prescott, Arizona, as well, which helped me make the placement of the novel an easy transition. I've always been told to "write what you know." Prescott was an easy going town to know and learn. Los Angeles is quite different.

The L-A of the 1880's was a pretty wild place. It was learning to find itself, it's own identity. The days of the Rancho's were over, but there was still the heritage. It's something I do explore in the second book. Water has always been the real gold of Southern California and today we see that more than ever as we live through a prolonged drought. Today we have modern fire fighting equipment, in 1880 it was horse drawn fire wagons and volunteers for the most part. Water plays a part.

The San Fernando Valley was fertile but Hollywood didn't exist. And foreign powers? Wouldn't they love to gain a stronghold in what would later become the Golden State. All things to think about as you wonder where Lancer will end up in the upcoming book, "The Los Angeles Affair." Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Full Radio Interview

Bob Brill

Here is the full radio interview with Dr. Carole Lieberman picture below. We hope you get some insights to "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair," with this leading Psychiatrist. Just click on the words "Radio Interview" in the first sentence and you an listen in. Thank you.

(Dr. Carole Lieberman)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A new radio interview

By Bob Brill
Author, Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair

I was a guest on the Dr. Carole Lieberman Radio Show today and will post the link very shortly. The hour long interview was centered around the Lancer book series with the title "Westerns; A lost art." It was a very pleasant experience sitting on Dr. Carole's Couch.

We discussed the comings and goings and the history of the western novel and how Lancer Hero of the West, fits in today. From books to film to television, we covered it all. Of particular interest to Dr. Lieberman, a well known psychiatrist, was the bond which existed years ago between father and son. A bond which she doesn't see existing today for any number of reasons.
(Dr. Carole Lieberman, Host)

She asked me about the bond between my father and myself, since the book is dedicated to my dad, who brought about my love of westerns. It was an interesting and very intriguing look at such bonds. We also discussed myriad films, good and bad, from Clint Eastwood to Mel Brooks to some of the latest bad westerns of the past two years.

It was great to hear how she said "I read it in one sitting, I could not put it down." This is something every author wants to hear and every publisher relishes. It is a common response from those who have read Lancer, and a response which I can only hope spreads as the book gets more attention. I want to carry that forward with the rest of the books in the series. I am hard at work writing, "The Los Angeles Affair" at the moment.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Prescott TV Interview

The Prescott TV interview with Sandy Moss of AZTV 7, "The Morning Scramble." Hope you enjoy this interview which took place the day of our Prescott book signing.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Doc Holiday Post Prescott

By Bob Brill
Author, Lancer: Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair

Again I wish to thank the people of Prescott, Arizona, for their support on our recent book and publicity tour in the Mile High City. The folks at Peregrine Book Store did a fine job in promoting and running the event and my thanks go out to them; particularly Tom and Susan. Sales of "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair," were good too.

Looking forward, as we move toward the next book; The Los Angeles Affair, we still get comments on how the main fictional character of Lancer, mixes with real life and legendary figures. One such character is Doc Holliday.

While Holliday, best friend of Wyatt Earp, was known as a killer and quick draw gambler, he's been raised to anti-hero status by legend. Since legends grew from stories (true and otherwise) of the day, there really isn't a reason to besmirch the legendary. A wise newspaper editor once said "when choosing to tell the tale of the real life man versus the legend, print the legend." That is a paraphrase but you get the picture.

I use Holliday because he was a prominent figure in Tombstone (where Lancer is based) at the time. I also like to use Holiday because while he has some of the same qualities as Lancer, they are different in one very important aspect. Holiday, for whatever reason, could not control his qualities. Lancer can and does. Maybe it is because of the terrible illness Doctor John Holliday suffered from and which led him on a path of destruction. Perhaps if Holliday did not suffer from TB, he might have had the life Lancer has.

Lancer remains true to his character and through the pages of upcoming books, more about Lancer will be revealed. There is a lot to know about this good guy gunslinger and I hope you, as the reader, will keep coming back to learn more.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lancer meets Wyatt Earp - The Prescott Affair

One of the most positive response I get from people who read Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair, is how I mixed real life, legendary characters into my fictional story. I was asked by Sharlot Hall Museum Director Fred Viel while I was in Prescott last week for the book signing, "is the book an historical novel?" I had to be vague because it is, and it isn't. Fred's definition of "historical" novel lends to real life people with the author's words, involved in old and new adventures.

Lancer does intermingle with real life characters but it's not the main body of the story. The story itself is totally fiction. Lancer, and this won't always be the case, begins his adventures in Tombstone where these legendary characters live and deal with him. You can find out more about Prescott and the wild west not only at Sharlot Hall but also at the Peregrine Book Store where we did the signing.

Below are some photos taken during the publicity day which include myself and Mayor Marlin Kuykendall, with Bo Woods at my old station KNOT Radio and me with Sandy Moss of AZ 7 TV where I was a guest on the station's Morning Scramble. More to come. I have to note the last photo below is me standing outside the Press Box in Prescott where at age 18 I did my first play-by-play gig.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Prescott Book Signing Success
by Bob Brill

The book signing for "Lancer: Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair," was great and the publicity tour was really super, all culminating at the Peregrine Book Store in Prescott August 13th. I'll load up the photos over a couple of blogs since we have a bunch and I want to give credit to everyone who helped out. I'll start with the end first as we had a number of books sold. Tom, Susan and the entire staff at Peregrine were just super as were the people of Prescott. My good friend Darcey had a front row seat and it was good fun to spend some time with an old high school chum. In our next blog we'll thank those in the media who made the trip more memorable.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair
by Bob Brill author
Character counts

In Prescott, Lancer meets up with and works with Sheriff Jackson. The sheriff is a nice fellow, does his job and is not unpopular in town. He likes to eat which might give the reader the impression he may have a big belly. That is up to the reader. It is a question I anticipate may come up when I'm at the book signing at Peregrine Book Store in Prescott on Wednesday, August 13th.

What I didn't do in creating the character of Sheriff Jackson is to model him after Prescott's real life hero sheriff, Buckey O'Neill. O'Neill, well known as one of the Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders later in his life, ran the town about the same time. The reasons I chose not to add O'Neill to the mix while I did feature Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, are many.

Both Earp and Holliday are legends who have grown well beyond their own boundaries in American western folklore. It really doesn't matter how you incorporate them into a story; they could have been there and done that. The two have outgrown their own persona where the legend has become much more than the fact. A newspaper columnist once said (and I'll paraphrase here) "when the man outgrows the legend, print the legend."

While in O'Neill's case there are legendary stories (trying to rescue two buffalo soldiers who fell overboard in Cuba, etc.) there is much more fact known about the former Rough Rider. Prescott residents know the story well, it's documented, and there are very likely relatives of O'Neill still around to contradict whatever a writer of fiction wants to write. It is a slippery slope and one this author chose not to tackle.

Sheriff Jackson is a strong man in his own right and well respected by Lancer and even the deputy who would like to be sheriff one day. It was a choice this writer chose to make.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Prescott, AZ Signing next!
by Bob Brill, author

Just a few days away from our book signing at Peregrine Book Company in Prescott, Arizona. This Wednesday from 5:30 in the evening until 7:00 o'clock, I'll be at the book store, available for questions and answers, as well as signing copies of my book, "Lancer: Hero of the West -- The Prescott Affair."

I will also have copies of Al Kabul; Home Grown Terrorist, No Barrier; How the Internet Destroyed the World Economy, and Fan Letters to a Stripper; A Patti Waggin Tale, on hand for purchase and signing. Special Edition copies of Fan Letters however, must be purchased via our website or via direct mail through email.

The Prescott Daily Courier, the first paper I ever wrote for professionally, is doing an article on me and the book signing for release Wednesday, the 13th. I will be appearing on Prescott's cable Channel 7 TV at 8:30 in the morning on Wednesday and sometime during the hour before, plans call for me to appear for a couple minutes with Bo Woods on KNOT Radio (my old station and my first). So if you are in the area, or streaming you can check it out.

I am very much looking forward to this trip, not only because it is exciting to do a book signing (if people show up that is) but also because some old friends live in the area. It will be good to touch base with them.

I usually don't do selfies and post them but I was at a fund raiser last night for Los Angeles Sister Cities and met Cheech Marin of Cheech & Chong fame and well, I'm a fan. Living through the 60's who wasn't a fan (Dave's not here, man). So I did the thing and posted it here. Nice guy.

Hope to see you in Prescott on Wednesday, August 13th at Peregrine on South Cortez!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Bob Brill, author

Well it is official. We are now on the Peregrine Book Company website so we are really, really locked in for the book signing in Prescott, AZ on August 13th (Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00 in the evening).

The folks at Peregrine do a really nice job and you can check out the home page, and then link to both my page, which will also link you to my website. where all my books reside and can be purchased. It is a really cool set up by the folks in Prescott.

Did you also know that Prescott is the home of Bucky O'Neill, one of the most famous of the Rough Riders in the War with Spain in the late 1890's. O'Neill, who is buried at Arlington National Cemetery, was the mayor and gun slinging sheriff of Prescott before taking off and joining Teddy Roosevelt. He was also a newspaper reporter who hung out with Wyatt Earp (one of the characters in Lancer: Hero of the West).

There are tremendous stories about his heroics and the charge up San Juan Hill. He would famously meet his maker at the battle of Kettle Hill, but Prescott will never forget one of it's favorite sons. And neither should we.

I am so looking forward to meeting everyone who comes out to the book signing in August at Peregrine Book Store. Hope you'll pick up a copy either on-line or at your favorite book store where you can order "Lancer; Hero of the West; The Prescott Affair." If you purchase on Amazon, please leave a review. It is important and as always thank you very much.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Another Review
by Bob Brill (author)

I am, as I stated previously, always excited to read a good review, especially from a "reader." I could not help but post this one from a reader who happens also to be a listener to KNX where I work as a news anchor/reporter.

Bob Brill, a local broadcast journalist on KNX Radio in Los Angeles has written a new book in the style of the old western dime novels I read when I was growing up so many years ago. Because so many years have passed, the dime novel is now ten bucks but well worth it. Set in Prescott, AZ during the 1880s the book is alive with fictional and non-fictional characters.  The Earp brothers, Doc Holiday and others come to life once again. Lancer, a hired gun from Tombstone solves a mystery with twist and turns to keep you turning the pages in a non-stop read. I so thoroughly  enjoyed reading it.  

Thanx again!

Looking forward to seeing anyone who is in Arizona on August 13th when I will be talking and signing "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair." We'll be at the Peregrine Book Store on Cortez in Prescott. See you there!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

New Lancer Review

By Bob Brill, author

I'm always excited to share a book review from a reader and here is the latest. This is from a reader in the United Kingdom.

"At long last an author has written a cowboy book the way that I remember the stories of the west being told/read to me when I was young. It also brought back memories of Saturday morning cinema visits where I first experienced the 'wild west'. A great, quick read, ideal holiday/weekend book. Really liked the start where Lancer is linked with real life cowboys, the Earp brothers and Johnny Ringo (outlaw member of The Cowboys of Cochise County) and hopefully the author continues and expands this feature in the next Lancer adventure, The Los Angeles Affair. Loved it from start to finish, buy it, you won't regret it partner."

Thank you so much and the Los Angeles Affair is being written as we speak. It won't arrive by end of Summer but I'm shooting for the Fall sometime.

Hope you can join me at the Peregrine Book Company on August 13, 2014 in Prescott, AZ. I'll be there from 5:30 to 7:00.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

by Bob Brill, author

I am so looking forward to being in Prescott, AZ, August 13th to talk about and sign copies of Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair. The hotel is booked and I am excited about the prospects of meeting a few old friends and finding some new ones.

I looked at the Peregrine Book store on their web site and discovered it is just one block away from where I landed my first job in radio; KNOT Radio in Prescott, 1450 on the AM dial. That was March, 1972 and I still remember almost every detail of living there until I got fired and moved back to Los Angeles. I landed my second job at KVFM in the San Fernando Valley shortly thereafter.

KNOT was located at 145 N. Cortez in Prescott, just a few blocks from Whiskey Row. Peregrine is at 219 North Cortez, same side of the street. The building housing KNOT is now another business and the radio station moved to another location but the storefront still looks the same. The glass door on the left hand side, and real store front windows to peer in at the disc jockey and staff on duty. That was in the days of real local radio.

I was hired to be the 8pm-midnight disc jockey. I replaced The Great Topolovich. Rich Topolovich was our station engineer and hated being a disc jockey. He was glad I was hired. Soon though I was promoted to afternoon drive, baby sat the new night time jock (who was the GM's high school age son) did sports and news, sold local radio time and found time enough to write for the local paper; The Prescott Courier. You can still find some of my 1972 articles on-line in the paper's archives.

I will be on KNOT the morning of August 13th as a guest of Bo Woods, the program director and morning personality there. I'll be on for just a couple minutes so hopefully you'll just tune in and catch us. It's an oldies format which is fitting. Turns out we have a dozen mutual Face Book friends. He formerly worked for CBS in LA as I do now. He at KRTH, me at KNX and occasionally filling in at KRTH. 

It was a great little run at KNOT in 1972, and a wonderful experience. To Ben, Ruth, Gary, KC, Don, George, Bob Schlem (better known as Robert B. Goode) it was great. I won't mention the name of the general manager who fired me. I'm sure he's dead by now anyway but it was his loss.

Hope to see you on August 13th around 5:30 until 7:00 pm. I'll make sure to bring some Turkish Delight. For those of you who have read the book; you will understand. To the others? Well, you'll need to read it to find out.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

by Bob Brill, author

It is really great when someone reviews your book and I am no different than any other author when it comes to being excited by good reviews. Bad reviews we take with a grain of salt, hopefully, because if we don't it will eat us up. However, a good review from a reader (which is even better than a professional critic) is always exciting.

I received one this week from an avid reader and a fan which I had to share. I will leave his name off as not to embarrass him but I did want to share his thoughts after he read "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair."

"From the first sentence in Chapter One to the last sentence in Chapter Seventeen, it was impossible to put the damn thing down.  It is rare that I ever have the time to read a book cover to cover in one sitting.  Tombstone, Wyatt, Doc, Prescott and all the other realistic names and places were riveting.  Like an old time radio drama one line led to the next and there was no stopping."

I will only say "THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!"

Several people have commented how much they like the idea I mixed my fictional character with real life characters of the day; especially legendary characters such as Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday. I personally think using characters in this way gives the reader something to hang onto and also breeds a bit of familiarity. When you hear the words Wyatt Earp, it automatically conjures up a picture in your mind and therefore makes it easier to realize the character of Lancer who the reader has never thought of until now.

I am happy for the response.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

by Bob Brill, author


Mark you calender for Wednesday, August 13th 5:30pm-7:00pm at the Peregrine Book Company in Prescott, Arizona. We wanted the first signing to be in Prescott since this is where the fictional book takes place in the 1880's.

We encourage any of you who live nearby to tell your friends and shortly keep checking the Peregrine web site which will promote the event. We hope you can make it as I'd love to see some old friends and meet some new ones as well as fans of the wild west.

I haven't been back to Prescott in many years so it will be interesting to see how much it has changed since I landed my first radio job there in 1972. I've recently written a new screenplay also set in Prescott and which is about landing that first job in my career.

So plan on joining us August 13, 2014 in Prescott, AZ.

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bob Brill, author, Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair

We are getting close to nailing down a date for a book signing in Prescott, Arizona. Prescott is where the first Lancer; Hero of the West adventure takes place. We thought it only appropriate to do our first book signing in Prescott.

We are looking at a mid week date in August, 2014, and are working with the folks at the Peregrine Book Store, the only major book store in the city. We hope to have a date by the end of this week and will publish it as soon as we do.

Normally book signings are done on weekends when most people can come on out. However, due to my own work schedule at KNX News Radio, a weekend trip to Prescott would be nearly impossible. So we are probably going to do an early evening signing mid week and hope you can come out and meet us if you live in the central Arizona area. We would love to meet you and answer any questions you have as well as get feedback on the book.

Stay tuned and we'll let you know as soon as we know right here on this blog.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

by Bob Brill, author

Since Lancer's first adventure takes place in Prescott, Arizona, it seems only fitting we should do a book signing there. We are working on that very thing right now and are looking toward doing something most likely in August, if all the ducks fall in a row.

We've been in contact with folks in Prescott and there is some interest. Stay tuned and as soon as we nail something down, we'll pass it on here in this blog. Prescott holds a special place in the author's heart. This is where I landed my first radio job in 1972, and while I was there less than a year, it is an adventure which has been ingrained in my mind and heart ever since.

I've even written a screenplay about the adventure which I hope to some day see produced into a feature film. We'll have to wait and see on that one. For now, we'd like to move Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair, to the next level.

Monday, April 28, 2014

by Bob Brill

Powerful Young Character; 15 year old Willie (a girl)

That's right, young Willie (short for Wilamena) plays a very important role in Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair." At first this girl, who lost her father somewhere along the way, pulls a gun on the unsuspecting gunslinger. Lancer doesn't take too kindly to someone sneaking up on him but when he learns it is a young lady on a mission, well, things soften up a bit.

Willie is a very likeable character and hers is a coming of age story in the first Lancer book. When she tries to grow up, she is hard to resist but the respected gunman does what he is supposed to do; respect her. He also gives her a rude response, much to the delight of the townsfolk.

In her own way, she ends up Lancer's savior in more ways than one. Read about this youthful and vibrant character in Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair. Available now for download (2.99) on Amazon or via our Website.  Our web price is an introductory price of just $10 with free shipping.

You can also pick up a paperback copy at Factor's Deli, in Beverly Hills, CA. Just ask for it at the checkout counter;

Factor's Deli
9420 W Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Check it out today!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Characters
by Bob Brill
author; Lancer; Hero of the West

One of the keys to the first book in the Lancer series; The Prescott Affair is a lovely lady named Sarah Jane Paulson. She hires Lancer to find her missing husband, Henry. Sara Jane is very attractive and fairly wealthy. The question is; does she really have the kind of class she puts out there or, is she just putting on airs? It is something for the reader to decide and decipher through the pages of Lancer; Hero of the West.

Sarah Jane lives in the rich part of Prescott, Arizona. Big home, live in maid and of course any number of suitors despite her marital status. This makes us wonder about the woman herself. We find out more about her missing husband as the pages unfold but Sarah Jane is very much a mystery woman.

She is such a central part of the theme of the book, Lancer delves into her past by first talking to former Prescott lawman; Virgil Earp. One of the famous Earp brothers, Virgil spent real time in real life in Prescott before being dragged down to Tombstone by the dreams and whims of brother, Wyatt. Virgil has a lot to tell Lancer about the aforementioned Mrs. Sarah Jane Paulson.

Find out more about this hard core woman character who is a lady of many means in the pages of "Lancer; Hero of the West - The Prescott Affair."

Either download a Kindle version for $2.99 on Amazon, or purchase a copy via for $10 with Free Shipping. You can also email us at

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Order your Paperback Version Today

by Bob Brill

It's finally done. The paperback version of "Lancer; Hero of the West -- The Prescott Affair" will arrive soon. If you would like to order a copy you can do so via email until I get Bob Brill Books changed. Soon I will have that done, likely this coming week. Then you can order there as well.

Until then, if you would like a copy of the book (signed or unsigned, its up to you) you can order via direct email to me at my email. Pay either by Paypal to the same email address which I will give to you when you order, or send a check. If you want to pay by check, say so in your email and I'll give you direct instructions on where to send it.

The book is actually 200 pages and will list for $11.99. However, I will sell direct copies to you for an even $10.00 plus $2.00 shipping.

BONUS: The first 50 books ordered will receive FREE Shipping anywhere in the continental US and Puerto Rico. Take advantage of this limited time only offer of Free Shipping. Be one of the first 50 to place an order and you will get FREE S&H. Physical books will be mailed out April 26th if not sooner. Please make sure we have your physical address where the book is going if you are paying via PayPal.  Thank you so much to those of you who have already ordered the Kindle version on-line from Amazon.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Time to Read

by Bob Brill, author "Lancer; Hero of the West"

You can now purchase the Kindle version of the first novel in the Lancer Series "The Prescott Affair." You can purchase it for 2.99 by clicking here.

The paperback version should be available next week. As soon as we determine a price we will post it as well. Please tell your friends; Lancer is "Alive!!!"

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

by Bob Brill


Well it is finally "live" as we published the Kindle Version of "Lancer; Hero of the West-The Prescott Affair" just today. You can get a preview and purchase the download to Kindle or your computer by going here. For those of you who prefer to cut and paste this is the site:

I've dedicated the book to several people and it is up front so when you look at the preview you will see that first but you get right into the book in a page. For those of you awaiting the paperback physical version they should be available next week for purchase. I still don't have a price yet but it will be inexpensive. I will have books to sell and ship very shortly.

The download price if you choose to go there on Amazon is $2.99. It is the lowest price I can make it for a download and still be true to myself financially. Hey, we all like to get paid something don't we? LOL!!

I hope you enjoy this first in the series of Lancer; Hero of the West novels. They are a throwback to the Dime Novel era of the 19th century and I would like you to look at them in that fashion. Read it on a plane flight, a weekend at the lake or just on your lunch hour or even relaxing in bed. Enjoy. There will be more. I'm currently writing the second book which should be ready by the end of April.

Thanx again and happy trails!
Bob Brill

Monday, March 10, 2014

by Bob Brill
author "Lancer; Hero of the West"


We have been looking forward to giving you a preview of the Lancer; Hero of the West book series due for release in the next week or so. I decided to show off the cover which was designed by my daughter Julia, whom I must say is one of the best graphic artists I've ever met. We'll share more later but I did want to share the cover with you.

I think you will find this attractive and I hope you will find the story inside as well written as the cover is designed. Look forward to its release coming soon. In the meantime you can see or purchase my other books at or download on by searching for the titles.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Bob Brill
Author: Lancer; Hero of the West
"Why Tombstone?"

The question is why did I place my character Lancer in Tombstone, Arizona and why did I choose this location as his base of operations? Pretty simple really. Ease and familiarity as well as my own passion for the Tombstone story.

Being based in Tombstone during it's boom years of the early 1880's allows Lancer to live a fast and upscale life. It also allows him to mix with some of the legendary characters of the day and to mingle with a group of famous as well as infamous western players. Wyatt Earp and his brothers as well as Doc Holiday, Curly Bill, Johnny Ringo and in a later novel the nefarious Ike Clanton. Clanton will make his debut in the second novel but won't show up in Tombstone until the third novel. Yes, I am that far ahead in my planning.

The story of Tombstone as well as the O.K. Corral is the stuff of legend mixed with fact. Lancer is just that kind of hero allowing me to embellish into good story telling. After all story telling is what it is all about and I hope through the pages of these extended mini-novels, the reader will get a better feel for the time and do more and more researching of history. I can assure you the gunfight at the O.K., is not in the Lancer mix. At least not at this time or the future that I can imagine.

History is my passion. I hope everyone takes this one lesson to heart; Be a student of history, not a victim of it.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cover Story

by Bob Brill
author: Lancer; Hero of the West

Creating a cover for a book can be a daunting experience. Once I created a cover and wanted flames coming through a map. I spent hours figuring it out and with the help of my wife came up with the perfect scenario. We used lighter fluid and a map and with two cameras for different angles set it on fire from underneath. Two maps later we got the perfect shot.

For Lancer I wanted an empty holster with his "crossed lances" insignia. After searching and searching stock photos for a western holster (no gun store in my area had one to photograph) I finally found someone on-line at a gun shop who had the perfect photo. We made a deal and I had my picture. The lances were another story. I did find the right shot at an on-line photo bank and had to pay a minimal fee. The background I will shoot myself.

Now it's a matter of overlaying the three photos to the right position. The proper wording and text will come when I put the photo elements together with the right positioning. Not my most favorite thing in the world to do. Writers usually are not the folks who create their own covers but in today's publishing world you have to be a jack of all trades sometimes.

Stay tuned it will be available shortly. I'll put it on here about the same time if not sooner. We are less than two weeks away from publishing the book and getting it into your hands. Thanx a bunch!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


by Bob Brill
Author, Lancer; Hero of the West

Even the best editors miss things and in my final look see, make sure everything is correct write through I actually found a couple of things my editor missed. And she is good!

It so happens that one of the problems with publishing and especially in today's world of self publishing, it is impossible to catch every mistake. In the days before the Internet and it was in those days "self publishing" was frowned upon (often called vanity publishing), few mistakes made it to final print.

The reason is there were people employed as proof readers, the line below editors. They didn't make a great deal of money but they made enough money for them to lose their jobs when times got tough. When publishing started to fall away so did the jobs and the people holding those jobs were proof readers.

So even though an author writes, rewrites and rewrites again and another person's eyes go through it several times, mistakes will be made. It is inevitable. So we'll do our best but in the end I'm sure when you read "Lancer; Hero of the West, The Prescott Affair" you may find something we missed. I just hope you enjoy it and my goal is for you to ask yourself when you finish reading it; "I just spent $x on this book. Was I disappointed or was it money well spent?" If the answer is you got your money's worth I will be happy and excited.

Monday, February 24, 2014

SUB Title!

by Bob Brill
Author "Lancer; Hero of the West"

Yup I've finally decided on a sub title for the first book in the series. I've toyed with many from the days I first sat down to write Lancer; Hero of the West and now the choice is clear. The first story takes place in Prescott, Arizona. Lancer's base of operations is Tombstone, Arizona which is on the opposite end of the state.

The sub title will be "The Prescott Affair." There were other choices but I think going forward, and unless I change my mind or readers change it for me, each sub title will be "The (something) Affair." It seems to make sense. I think it gives the novels and the main character a sort of legal standing while he is not at all a law enforcement officer. He could be but he likes his independence.

Working on the cover art is the last chore part of the process except for one read through to catch any editing problems. My editor finished doing the bulk of the work already and she did a wonderful job. Now it's up to me, the author to make that final write through.

The cover will feature a black leather western holster which would hold a six gun. Finding one I could photograph myself the way I want it done is becoming difficult. There are other options I'm looking into but if anyone has a black, smooth leather holster in the style popular in the 1880's, I would appreciate having a look to see if it might be what I am looking for. You can email me at

Thanx again and you will be able to order the book when it comes out at or directly from me. Kindle versions will be available on Amazon.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Who is Lancer, Hero of the West?

by Bob Brill
Author: "Lancer; Hero of the West" book series.

In my first blog about my new book, Lancer Hero of the West, which is due out in a few weeks, I told you briefly a little about why I started this new book series about a Western Hero named Lancer. I gave you a little info as to who he is and today I want to give you a little bit more.

He's based in Tombstone, Arizona but travels to wherever the job takes him. You may wonder why Tombstone? Tombstone was a boom town and offers the character some interaction with some of the biggest names of the day. And also names which ring passion in my heart for the old west. Wyatt Earp and his brothers were there as was Doc Holiday and the bad guys known as The Cowboys.

Since this is fiction I am able to mix good storytelling with real names. Details about those real people are sketchy at best and glorified at worst. All this makes for a good mix of history (my passion) and storytelling hopefully at its best.

Lancer is a gunslinger but certainly a good guy. He's respectful of women and children, is educated, doesn't need the money and has traveled the world. He was an officer during the war between the states and came from a well to do family. 

He has detective skills, is quick and deadly with his gun when he needs to be and has a sweet tooth. He has a passion for Turkish Delight as do I. His reputation is impeccable and while he's sort of an anti-hero he is skilled in many ways. He is also well read and not afraid to tangle with the law if the law isn't doing it's job.

Anymore and I'd be remiss in my storytelling as an author. You have the basics and I hope you are intrigued enough to want to read Lancer Hero of the West. We are currently working on the cover art (more on that in my next blog) and as soon as that is complete the first Lancer book will be a reality and ready for you to read hopefully with the same passion I wrote it.

For more on my books go to Bob Brill Books. You can always email me at, and you can find me on Facebook at Bob Brill and Twitter at @bobbrillla (which stands for Bob Brill Los Angeles). Spread the word; Lancer is coming!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lancer is coming soon!

by Bob Brill

My father was a huge fan of Zane Grey and when he was a kid, or so he told me, he read everything the great western author wrote. When a new western movie or a John Wayne flick of any kind came out, I knew dad would haul me to the local movie theater. I grew to love the genre. I always thought about writing a western novel but figured it was a daunting task. Instead I chose to write other novels and screenplays.

Now that I've completed 10 screenplays, two novels and one non-fiction book I finally decided to tackle the western. After much thought, research and looking inside myself as to what I really wanted to do, "Lancer; Hero of the West" was born.

The first book in the series still has a working sub-title so I'll hold off on revealing it to you at this point. I will share with you some of the details of the Lancer character but not many. I really do hope you want to read it and will purchase it either via download Kindle or from an Amazon bookseller or from me via 

The books will average about 100 pages without illustrations. In fact, there really isn't a description of Lancer in the pages you will read. I've always chosen to not detail my characters too much. I prefer to allow the reader to build the character's looks themselves. I will build the character, you see him as you want to see him through your own eyes.

The Lancer books take place in the 1880's and tomorrow I will give you more details about the character and his traits. I will post here almost daily to give you an inkling about the book, the character and the progress. You can follow via this blog; Lancer Hero of the West.

The first book is finished and we are in the process of building the cover. I've already outlined the second book and the last page of the first book will tell you where the Lancer character will take his next job. I will probably release the first book within two weeks. Stay tuned for more and you can find my other books at